STUNNED CONT ------------------------------------------

Jackie third wife. Seen. Moved in established locked down girlfriend. Common law wife. Married then divorce.

2012. I already owned a vehicle. I brought her to look at vehicles despite credit mistakes before we met.

The vehicle, any chosen was for her

She settled on the same-car as the one we had at the Kelowna airport except this was in Calgary after we moved there due to H.I.3 & different factors 

A black option. A red option. She chose red with old man interior plus it had weight for highway 

Now she refused to take over payments to satisfy our 50% separation clause & prenuptial agreement plus plans together for joint & separate investments

The stunned b!tch if you will now claims after different accounts of infidelity despite not being neglected plus her new choices after our 2014 divorce that she didn't even want car 

All sudden contact doesn't want car

Can't beleeed stunned cont doesn't want car

She did at dealership yet then didn't want car

Just stunned inside by stunned b!tch


No moe Jackie problems with her out to curb & some poor shmuck ends up with her baggage after over three strikes plus exgausted efforts including counsel to make a marriage work

Stunned two timer couldn't do it with my perspective as stated in 11-25 hours + blogger pages then separately with outside perspectives

Slut, liar, theif & double lifer distant & scandal.  Jackie the honest. Alexander the Great & I am Cleo I guess... mutilated leader that everyone tries to murder & claim it's a suicide 

Jordans newf fat kid the Alex before or after first born then the daughter... like we don't know yet your in our fu*king registry like you want Government ID. Jordy


Head of c*ck... hold on I cannot believe it. Poof: Jordan. Cannot believe it. Fu*k

Height of intelligence

Guns & arrows. Hole to China. 


If I, Dr Sydney Bennett remember someone I met or dated I am told to forget about her by someone posing as her guy & they state: forget us bro

These people do this while in contact with her or without contact on her behalf expecting to be doing the right thing

If since 2012 I think about or remember someone or remember time spent around them I am asked by intimidates at the one Ontario lab to forget & don't think or remember & if I do not they begin wirelessly attacking me non-stop

These people are now walking hostage targets to blow the brains ah, out the skull in retaliation for fu*king up my brain & revoking me control of my body & mental state plus privacy


It's a choice

My right to think revoke? Serious?

Any fu *k that sate-fu *k the cont probably going to be a pile of blood stain


Do I look like this goofs bro mother fu*k? (Snap a mother fu*kers neck palease!)

Dr Sydney Bennett




Retaliation plans over H.I.3. lab persons & those connected plus accomplices contacted 


RCMP CHESTMERE --------------------------------------

We are killing these persons working out of this detachment between 2012-2023 

Disrespecting me & making false claims + insinuating I may be a criminal, fraudulent & illegal 

The one Ontario lab is 100% accountable along with those operating at or with the labs 

These pieces of sh*t show up for what the one Ontario lab did. They can die now for it with everyone they are connected to between 2023-2025 & before 2026 


RCMP SYLVAN LAKE -----------------------------------

We are killing these persons working out of this detachment between 2012-2023 

Disrespecting me & making false claims + insinuating I may be a criminal, fraudulent & illegal 

The one Ontario lab is 100% accountable along with those operating at or with the labs 

These pieces of sh*t show up for what the one Ontario lab did. They can die now for it with everyone they are connected to between 2023-2025 & before 2026 


RCMP AIRDRIE --------------------------------------------

We are killing these persons working out of this detachment between 2012-2023 

Disrespecting me & making false claims + insinuating I may be a criminal, fraudulent & illegal 

The one Ontario lab is 100% accountable along with those operating at or with the labs 

These pieces of sh*t show up for what the one Ontario lab did. They can die now for it with everyone they are connected to between 2023-2025 & before 2026 


RCMP GRIMSBY -------------------------------------------

We are killing these persons working out of this detachment between 2012-2023 

Disrespecting me & making false claims + insinuating I may be a criminal, fraudulent & illegal 

The one Ontario lab is 100% accountable along with those operating at or with the labs 

These pieces of sh*t show up for what the one Ontario lab did. They can die now for it with everyone they are connected to between 2023-2025 & before 2026 


CALGARY ----------------------------------------------------

We are executing everyone that worked in the Calgary Government & Calgary Police plus the rest of the Alberta Government in response & retaliation over the 2012-2023 terror attacks carried out by the Canadian Government - third party lab operating in Ontario

These pieces of sh*t show up for what the one Ontario lab did. They can die now for it with everyone they are connected to between 2023-2025 & before 2026 


OTTAWA -----------------------------------------------------

I, Dr Sydney Bennett am 100% against Ottawa. Any business, sports team + anything to do with Ottawa-Gatineau  

Ottawa Governments 2008-2023

Ottawa Police 2008-2023

Our goal in our counter attack over H.I.3 is to screen those we select to keep alive in Canada then execute everyone else. That is the negotiation now in 2023 after failed talks between 1990's-2011 & after 2011

We only require 10,000-500,000 Canadians not 38 plus million 


DISABILITIES - HANDICAP -------------------------  

I, Dr Sydney Bennett want every disabled person killed & all births scientifically - DNA controlled so any potential disability-handicap persons are aborted regardless of arguments 

Every disablity - handicap person that had physically entered the three cluster's of Ontario labs between 1980's-2011 & again between 2012-2023 are all getting killed over espionage alongside any that voluntarily operated with 

Overweight persons & the disablity - handicap should not exist! If you were thin get thin or your slotted to be deceased. If your fat... don't have children. Adopt or commit suicide 

A global controlled capped population of thin, healthy educated persons using 11-25 hours + blogger pages as perspective alongside others intertwining 

Race & culture + belief control ---------------------

Mild "conditions" are not a disability just as "mild" reactions to trauma are not 




The Canadian mental patients that wanted me converted to being gay or acting lame & gay or to turn me into another gender & force me to change my sexuality 

I, Dr Sydney Bennett do not want to even consider tolerance over LGBTQ2+ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 2+ due to H.I.3 



She is caught & the cover is to claim they were "helping" by doing what they did to my body & life 24/7 between 2012-2023 after previous efforts between 2012


THIS IS RETALIATION OVER WASTING MY LIFE BETWEEN 2012-2023 ---------------------------



CANADIAN GOVERNMENT --------------------------

People in the North Bay Police & connected are the responsible parties that had Dr Sydney Bennett lured in & hooked up as a child at the one Ontario lab while Laurention University & McGill University before the early 2000's merger & settlement to unman while the three Ontario labs refused separately 

PLANNED EXECUTIONS ------------------------------

People involved at or with the three cluster's of Ontario labs are loosing their lives... these are the same people that took it upon themselves stating they felt between 2012-2023 that they had to deal with me by illegally monitor & control my body 

ROD & MARIE BENNETT ------------------------------

I, Dr Sydney Bennett am to be just the same as Rod & Marie's so I am having them killed for being compared to either one of them

I personally hate them & did not get along with either of them since early 1990's

I did not like their family or extended or anyone connected. That includes that they had met or lived with or worked with 

Jordan & wife Amy Toms Bennett with three children plus those those on either side of the family in Canada or USA should not exist 


Get up & stand up... ? -----------------------------------

- Saying this near or anything else vocally near, into or through 

CIG drafted rights did not mean we were putting up with those operating with & at the three Ontario labs screaming sh*t into our heads * skulls or through our mouths 

Who knew? -------------------------------------------------

- Saying this near or anything else vocally near, into or through 

CIG drafted rights did not mean we were putting up with those operating with & at the three Ontario labs screaming sh*t into our heads * skulls or through our mouths 

OUR PLAN TO REMOVE EVERY GAY ON EARTH --------------------------------------------------------

We are 100% against every non-straight person from existing now over H.I.3 Case  

The plan is to ensure they are sterilized & cannot reproduce. Heterosexuals only & male - female approved then approved to have children 


Genders should not exist

Sexuality variants should not exist

Heterosexual straights only. Thin. Specific health factors only otherwise you should not exist or be welcome to have or raise children 

The sarcasm in previous tolerance ended between 2012-2023

THE THREE ONTARIO LABS -------------------------

You wanted to convert me to being a gay, bisexual & pansexual 

Any one person or group that even insinuated that I, Dr Sydney Bennett 

I AM NOT GOING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT -----------------------------------------------------

Fu*k you!

Anti-gay heterosexual male that tolerated LGBTQ at one point but not the disabled - handicap retards

The tolerance is 100% over. Gays know they can choose to be straight & transgenders permanently mutilate their bodies destroying their ability to have sex or reproduce rendering them wasted flesh 

A waste of birth. Gays & disability - handicaps ate a waste of birth... just like bottom dweller financial assistance cases that choose to be there rather than those held down by force wirelessly or in other ways 

TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ------------------------------

Few tolerated transgender persons choose or they are lab robots by choice 

Choice... to be realistic. Few are respected normal people educated with careers & respectful lives 


The highly "Church focused" then they attract gays & straights for tourism dollars while they hold local gays down or make rhen into lab robots to void their ability to experience gay sex 

Dollar bills & fake agenda... controlled gentrification & corruption 


The name Sydney is the professional name. A name of strength & voids the name used to terrorize: Nic




Attempts to forcefully male me into a half gender sterilized drone robot controlled person 


The majority involved operating at the three clusters of Ontario labs: Northern Ontario lab between 2012-2023 not before 2012 speak purposely near, into or through the illegal wireless device they have my body hooked up to in very incomprehensible simple words

Simple words

Simple meanings

Two purpose:


They expect my brain will be stupid & of a low IQ so I will not comprehend or be able to process to understand


Two get me thinking using different techniques including fill in the blanks & guilt based fear based trauma efforts


To purposely mistreat me like I am stupid to abuse, injure, inflict pain, assault, rape & torment continually between the first two

Detention & execution or a combination of practiced assuming the subject is a criminal, fraud, illegal actor want to be disturbed mental patient what to be of others

The majority cannot or chose not to speak in comprehensible language including English at the University level

Some cannot talk properly & make little sense. Some are aggressors, hard core & erratic unpredictable disturbing people that expect others to be like them

Some people talk like little children or teenagers & or in child like ways


Hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify my body illegally hooked up to the three clusters of Ontario labs one lab locations device plus everything they did to me between 1980's-2011 & again daily between 2012-2023

My effort to work around all these people that operated working at the one location & those they are connected to & contacted plus those connected to them internationally

Screaming at supervisors then the operating handlers plus myself wirelessly between everything else recorded & documented daily between 1990's-2011 & again between 2012-2023

LIFE & TIME WASTED ----------------------------------


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